AcuRhythm is an acupuncture app for classical/traditional acupuncturists interested in chrono-acupuncture. The app calculates 'open' points using various theories including: ,
Nai Zhi Fa, Zi Wu Liu Zhu (Stems & Branches, Midday/Midnight, Adopting Stems, Partner days, Husband/Wife, Same Clan), Inter-Generation (24 minute open points), Wei Qi Clock, Ling Gui Ba Fa (Eight Techniques of The Mysterious Turtle) and Fei Teng Ba Fa (Eight Techniques of Soaring). Seasonal points based on the 5 shu points.
Also, select points based on the I Ching using favorable Hexagrams and Season Hexagrams.
AchRhythm has three time settings: Local time, Local time excluding any daylight savings, & Local solar time (the preferred option) calculated using your current longitude.
Other useful point information is given by Channel, including: Source, Luo, Xi-Cleft, 5 Shu, Entry/Exit, 5 Element techniques such as the 4 Needle Technique (Korean Sa-Am), Dr Richard Tan's 5 Systems and Dr Chao Chen's Six Channel ZangFu Method.
Please use the support forum to post any bug reports as I can't respond directly to comments left here.
New PRO Plugin!
Get the pro plugin to access additional functionality and help support development!
Current Pro only functionality includes:
Jump straight to a specific date in the Daily Open Points section via a new date picker.
Future Pro development to include: Propitious/Ominous days and Spirit human dwelling locations based of Stems and Branches.